Hubris & Hubbub

This is what happens when I am working.

Friday, March 07, 2008


Holy crap I'm not messing around. I'm gonna go all Stuart Gordon / Harry Knowles / Chop-socky boot camp. And I'm going to try my best to document the affects and thoughts that are busting from my twisted melted psyche here. At any rate, it's going to be goddamn awesome and you can read about what I am watching if you give a crap. It's going to be my education of sorts into the land of the overlooked and often underrated films of the past.
Get ready for tons of Russian-split cock-punches, slashed-up teens, anger-fueled car chases, insane british gang-slangs, and probably a Kris Kristofferson film in there too.
In between and along the way, I'm sure there will be some newer movies in there that I just have to see, but for the most part 90% of the movies I'm gonna stumble through are going to be made before 1990.
I'm so excited I'm gonna go honk.


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